Starting a new Spring Boot Project? Begin with a Skeleton

If you are looking forward to start a new spring project, you may need to do a lot of boilerplate stuff, before you can get into your application logic.

Here I’ve a skeleton project to help you out with it. You just need to clone it and start writing your application logic.

It’s a skeleton project with lots of features implemented by default.

Spring Boot Featured Skeleton

Features At a Glance

For Admin Panel

  • Login
  • Template configuration (Thymeleaf engine with layout dialect)
  • Integrated (with thymeleaf engine, layout dialect) Opensource AdminLTE bootstrap theme for admin panel
  • Spring Security Configuration (WebSecurity)

For API’s

  • User Registration/Authentication
  • User Role Management
  • Profile CRUD
  • OAuth2 for securing API’s
  • Phone verification with OTP when registration
  • Swagger configuration
  • CORS configuration
  • Promotion Management


  • Email configuration for sending Emails
  • SMS service configuration for sending SMS
  • Exception Handling
  • Activity Logging
  • Flood Control (Auto Block IP for multiple failed attemps)
  • Firebase Push server configuration (Implemented on NotificationService)
  • File Upload Configuration for storing files on FileSystem
  • And lots of utility classes

Authentication Flow (Some basic implemented api’s)


Before you can register a user with a phone number you need to verify phone.

POST /api/v1/register/verifyPhone?phone=01610226163 HTTP/1.1

That phone number will get a token (validity for 2 minutes, can send another token request after two minutes)

Then you can send a request for registering user with that token

POST /api/v1/register?otp=449183 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache
	"name": "Sayem Hossain",
	"email" : "[email protected]",
	"phone" : "01610226163",
	"password": "123456"

If registration is successful it will give you a response like below, so that you can instantly log user in.

    "access_token": "eea1a168-36d3-41ae-963b-e5156cb678ed",
    "token_type": "bearer",
    "refresh_token": "cc936718-e938-4143-b742-b7d0575c49a2",
    "expires_in": 19999,
    "scope": "read trust write",
    "phone": "01610226163",
    "name": "Sayem Hossain",
    "id": 10,
    "authorities": [
            "authority": "ROLE_USER"
    "username": "01610226163"

Bind this response to your defined UserAuth object and this object should be your authentication


GET /api/v1/login?username=01610226163& password=123456& client_id=client_id& client_secret=client_secret& grant_type=password HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
cache-control: no-cache

Response of login url will be same as registration response above (UserAuth) if login succeed.

Refresh Token

The validity duration of access token is 5000s. So if you find 401 response code in any request, refresh your access token

POST /api/v1/login?client_id=client_id& client_secret=client_secret& grant_type=refresh_token& refresh_token=cc936718-e938-4143-b742-b7d0575c49a2 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
cache-control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 4826c898-6b31-4ccc-9551-f2c3d5c5bb01

User profile

Create Profile

PUT /api/v1/profiles/user/{username} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Authorization: Bearer 810108a4-e375-4914-9186-d11512dbcf36
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache
	"name":"Sayem Hossain",
	"birthDate": "2018-01-01",
    "gender": "male",
    "bloodGroup" : "O+",
    "lastDonated" : "2018-07-21",
		"flat": "23",
		"floor": 2,
		"house": "34/3",
		"road": "Road 42",
		"village": "",
		"area" : "dhanmondi",
		"postOffice": "dhanmondi",
		"postCode": "1209",
		"policeStation": "dhanmondi",
		"upazila": "dhanmondi",
		"district": "dhaka",
		"division": "Dhaka",
		"country": "Bangladesh"

Get own profile

Get own profile information.

GET /api/v1/profiles/user/{username} HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Authorization: Bearer 810108a4-e375-4914-9186-d11512dbcf36
cache-control: no-cache

Response: Profile object, Json sample is exactly like above

Customize Basic Configurations

For General configurations, open file and change the values.

File Storage path


App Config

[email protected]

Admin accounts (these two phone number will automatically be admin after registration)

#Admin emails

Client ID/Secret for your client app (web frontend, android,ios etc)

Token Endpoint:


Firebase Server Key (for firebase push):


Email Configuration

Open file and change property values according to your email provider

SMS configuration

This project is configured to use mimsms by default. If you have a mimsms account then provide your senderId and apiKey.

If you want to use other provider implement your api in SmsServiceImpl class


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