Hello from ToraCode. If you find your cloud platform doesn’t support container service or deploying standalone application you may find it annoying…
Deploying sample spring boot app using Docker
Hello from ToraCode. Now that we are set up with Docker virtualisation software. Let’s modify our pom.xml a little bit…
How to deploy Spring Boot application using Docker
Welcome to the ToraCode blog. I’m Sayem and I’ll discuss how to deploy Spring Boot app on your local machine…
Android RecyclerView tutorial: Build an awesome List View and Grid View
Guys, Hello. Are you still implementing ListView to show List View? yes? Okay you are doing it right. Just…
First post here. Starting to to blog in English
Hello Everyone, I’m Sayem Hossain from Bangladesh. I’m a Java Developer. Specifically an Android Developer working for PicoSoft Currently. Previously…